Signs That You Are Not Made For Internet Business…


Signs That You Are Not Made For Internet Business…

For those of us in the crawl phase, it’s important to note that, just like anything in life, online business has its own guiding principles. Those who succeed in a big way online follow these principles. The opposite is also true for those who fail. As Russell Brunson and other internet business experts would readily advise, do what works. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel.

Here are seven signs that tell you that you’re not ready for online business success. Not in any particular order, they include:

1. You’re not curious, indeed more often than not, you’re skeptical that people like you are building successful online businesses and making money.

2. You’re not paranoid, indeed you believe online business is a passing fad and will soon go away. Andy Grove, Intel’s co-founder, once said, “Only the Paranoid Survive”. The internet is not likely to go away soon.

3. You believe Social Media is a distraction; if you use Social Media at all, you use it for the “social” aspect. Social media like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are business tools if you know how to use them.

4. You lack a production mindset, you rather consume, and if you produce at all, you’re inconsistent. To succeed online, especially if you’re selling digital products, you must be a prolific producer.

5. You wear the tag of expert, always asking, “What can anybody teach me?” As Steve Jobs said in Stanford’s 2005 Commencement address, “Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.”

6. You focus on the negatives: fraud, complexity, technicalities etc., thus convincing yourself “it’s not for me”. The internet has its dark side. It also has its bright side. Embrace the bright side.

7. You live a “satisfied life” believing you’re already successful so “why bother?” This is the attitude of high corporate earners. Why not invest and learn now you’re earning high; sooner or later, you’ll retire.

If you exhibit three or more of the signs I have listed above: you lack curiosity, you’re not paranoid about the internet, you hate social media or only use it for play, you rather consume than produce, you consider yourself an expert who knows it all, you only see the dark side of the internet, and you’re too satisfied to bother, the simple interpretation is that you lack online business success mindset.

The signs simply say you’re not ready for online business success. I define online success as someone who makes a minimum of $10,000 monthly online and scaling and invests massively to move from the crawl to the walking stage. My simple advice to you is this: get off your couch, put on your running shoes and start looking for online business influencers to learn how you too can succeed online.

That’s all for now, my friends. See you all in my next article.

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