
Showing posts from January, 2022

Why The Money Really Is In The Email List

WHY THE MONEY REALLY IS IN THE EMAIL LIST “Having a List of dedicated fans and clients is the single most important asset any business can have. Having a list is the best way to deepen a relationship with your audience. It’s where you share your story, your purpose, and your insight. It’s where you can turn prospects into rabid fans.” When you think about how many visitors you lost in the early days because you had nothing to offer and no way of being able to contact them again, it makes you kick yourself. You also had this strange perception in your head that `list’ and ‘building’ were two dirty words. In fact they are two of the smartest words ever. List = your tribe. Building = profitability . Money doesn’t grow on trees, it grows in your list and all those times you’ve heard that your list is your business, it’s true. Actually your `list’ is really your blog subscribers, newsletter readers, Twitter followers, Facebook or MySpace friends — these are all people who have given you...